Megan Jacobson

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Megan has manufacturer and vendor relations, and administration and problem-solving experience at Steve’s Pest Control. She oversees the entire administrative team and the internal operations, product buying, and employee growth and retention. As a graduate of the 2019-2020 class of the Executive Leadership Program for the National Pest Management Association, Megan is very involved in the pest control industry at large and is also a member of NPMA’s LNC Counsel and the Marketing to Membership Committee. She is Missouri’s first female Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE).

With Steve's Pest Control Since: 2012

Career Rank: Certified Technician

Licenses & Category Certifications:

  • National Pesticide Applicator Core Certification
  • 3 – Turf & Ornamental Pest Control
  • 7a – General Structural Pest Control
  • 7b – Wood Destroying Pest Management
  • A.C.E. Certified