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Got Spiders On Your Lake Ozark Home’s Dock? Here Are 5 Tips To Keep Those Creepy-Crawlers Away

Steve Pest Control

Keeping Spiders Off Your Dock: Steve's Pest Control Tips

Prevent Spider Webs Outside the House & a Spider Infestation With the Help of Steve’s Pest Control

5 tips for keeping dock spiders away from your Lake Ozark, MO home with Steve's Pest Control

Dealing with spiders at the lake of your mid-Missouri home is probably not what you had in mind for a summer getaway. These spooky critters can build a mess of webs on your beautiful Lake Ozark home’s exterior and dock! Some also have venomous bites that can irritate those who are allergic. You don’t have to put up with this. Steve’s Pest Control knows a few tips and tricks for repelling dock spiders and other lakehouse pests.

What Are Dock Spiders & How Do They Affect My Home in Lake Ozark, MO?

Dock spiders, as the name suggests, are the most common types of spiders that hang out around the lakes. They can also be referred to as fishing spiders or wharf spiders. Dock spiders typically run away from humans, even though their large size can cover an entire adult hand! These creepy-crawlers don’t have a dangerous bite unless you’re allergic, but their appearance can be frightening to people on the lake, and their eggs can hatch thousands of offspring.

Other Spider Species Found in the Mid-Missouri Area Steve’s Pest Control Can Identify

Wolf Spider: This species, also large in size, is commonly confused with the dock spider. The main difference between the two is that dock spiders have two rows of eyes and wolf spiders have three. These spiders are highly common in Missouri, and they hunt their prey rather than spinning webs.

Brown Recluse: The brown recluse spider, known for the violin-shaped brown marking on their body, has an extremely venomous bite that can result in ulcers that lead to scarring. These 8-legged hazards are good at hiding in boxes, shoes, and generally undisturbed areas. Outside, they hide under rocks, logs, and debris.

Black Widow: The black widow spider is one of the most venomous spiders in North America, and is one of the easiest to identify. Females have a black body and a red hourglass shape on their body. Black widows live under decks and firewood, so be careful not to get bitten by one. Wear gloves when cleaning under your deck or carrying firewood.

Orb Weaver Spider: These spiders can be several different shapes, colors, and sizes. They are mostly round and orange, black, or brown in color. Orb Weaver spiders are common on decks and porches of mid-Missouri homes. They spin many webs, but on the other hand, they can lower the mosquito population of your lakehouse.

Block Any Opportunities For Spiders To Build Webs With Stringers, Fabric Sheets, Or Lake Spider Netting

The first way to prevent a spider infestation at your Lake Ozark, MO dock is taking away their chance to spin webs. Hanging stringers of cloth and fabric sheets around boats and poles areas will make it difficult for dock spiders to nest in your area. Lake spider netting and sticky traps can help too, but they won’t take care of the problem permanently.

Pick Up Branches, Clear Debris, & Trim Plantlife Where Spiders At The Lake Prefer To Hide

Next, eliminate the hiding spots where a brown recluse or dock spider may burrow themselves. When you arrive at your summer cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks, carefully pick up branches, logs, and trash on the shore. Dock spiders also like to sit on the plants near the water, so trimming those gives them less options too. Your area will not only look better, but it will reduce the chances of coming face to face with one of those long-legged intruders!

Splashing water is useless on dock spiders. Reduce moisture to keep them away from your lakehouse property

Dock spiders are built for the water. Their legs allow them to skip across the lake in the blink of an eye, and they can even go underwater! Needless to say, attempting to drown a dock spider, or really any spider for that matter, is tedious and ineffective. Getting the dock wet is unavoidable in a place like Lake Ozark, MO, but it’s important not to soak the area or leave any little pockets of water on your property.

Get Rid Of Other Pests That Could Invite A Spider Infestation

Spiders at the lake are mainly after one thing: food. Mosquitos, flies, ants, and gnats are like a buffet to these arachnids in the summertime. It only makes sense to exterminate these pests so they don’t attract others. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to keep up with lakehouse pests.

Call A Reliable Spider Exterminator In The Lake Ozark, Mo Area 

A pest control service like Steve’s Pest Control can make your life a lot easier with our Lake Service plan. From spiders to mosquitos to termites, a proactive treatment can make all the difference for your mid-Missouri home in the summer. DIY pesticides and sprays are less guaranteed to work and oftentimes dangerous, so it’s best to let a professional exterminator handle your spider infestation. 

Steve’s Lake Services is the #1 Spider Extermination Service to Lakehouses in Missouri

We offer foolproof lake pest control services in Camdenton, Lake Ozark, Lebanon, and Osage Beach, MO so you can relax this summer, free of those pesky arachnids. Steve’s Lake Services include a yearly treatment indoors and outdoors, spider web and nest removal, easy scheduling, and preventative measures that stop pests before they can attack your residential space. For a free evaluation of your lakehouse in mid-Missouri, call Steve’s Pest Control for hassle-free, premium pest control!

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Steve Pest Control

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