Stored Product Pests
These food invaders also referred to “pantry pests” eat and contaminate nearly all dry food products including dried pet food and bird seed, making them useless for consumption.
Stored Product Pest Identification
Confused Flour Beetle
The confused flour beetle is a reddish-brown insect commonly found in homes, grocery stores, and warehouses worldwide. These pests are known to feed on a wide range of stored products, including grains, peas, beans, nuts, dried fruits, spices, and more. While they have wings and are attracted to light, they do not fly, often crawling into food storage areas through small cracks or openings. Although harmless to humans in terms of direct health risks, the presence of these beetles can lead to contamination of food products, as they leave behind an undesirable taste and odor in infested flour and other dry goods. Their ability to thrive in stored food makes them a common nuisance in kitchens and commercial food storage areas, emphasizing the importance of proper food storage and pest management practices.
Foreign Grain Beetle
The foreign grain beetle is a small, reddish-brown insect with a flattened body, making it easily recognizable. These beetles feed on plant and animal debris, particularly gravitating toward damp and moldy grains, where they are often found in storage areas. They are also attracted to moldy environments, including bathrooms, where moisture can accumulate. Adult foreign grain beetles are strong fliers and are drawn to lights at night, often entering homes through open windows or gaps in screens. Due to their attraction to mold and moisture, they can be a sign of a larger moisture issue within a home or building. Proper ventilation and eliminating moisture sources can help prevent infestations.
Indian Meal Moth
The adult Indian meal moth is easily identifiable by its pale gray wings, which have a reddish-brown outer half. The mature larvae, which are wormlike and dirty white in color, are the damaging stage of this pest. While the adult moth does not cause any direct harm, its larvae can infest a wide variety of stored food products. They feed on grains, dried fruits, seeds, nuts, crackers, chocolate, candies, and even pet foods like dog food and bird seed. Infestations can lead to significant contamination, as the larvae leave behind webbing, feces, and silk filaments in the affected foods, making them unfit for consumption. Prevention involves keeping food in tightly sealed containers and regularly inspecting storage areas for signs of infestation.
Red Flour Beetle
The red flour beetle is a widespread pest found in stored grain and flour products, particularly in warm, humid environments such as pantries and grain storage areas. It primarily feeds on broken kernels and processed grain, but its ability to infest and reproduce quickly can lead to significant contamination, making it a serious concern for both homeowners and businesses.
Weevils are small beetles known for their elongated snouts and distinctive mouthparts, which they use to bore into plant materials. There are over 60,000 species of weevils, and they are often considered pests because they can cause significant damage to crops, stored grains, and garden plants. Weevils typically lay their eggs inside seeds, nuts, or plant stems, where the larvae feed and develop. Depending on the species, weevils may target a wide range of plants, including grains, fruits, and ornamental plants. Their presence can be identified by small holes in leaves or grains and a powdery residue left behind from their feeding activities.