Mosquito Identification
Mosquitoes are gray to black in color, with 2 long narrow wings
Although there are about 50 species of mosquito in Missouri, the 2 most common are the Culex Mosquito and the Aedes (Asian Tiger) Mosquito. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance when they bite, but also transmit diseases. The name mosquito comes from the Spanish word for “tiny fly”, as these insects not only resemble the fly, but also a close relative. The below information provides details on the two most common mosquitoes found in Missouri.
Mosquitoes are gray to black in color, with 2 long narrow wings and a long proboscis or beak. They are of concern because of the deadly diseases they can transmit to humans, such as malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile. The use of insect repellents is effective in preventing mosquito bites. Mosquito larvae live in standing water, so emptying or eliminating containers that may hold water around your yard will greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes around the home.
Mosquito Identification
Culex Mosquito
Culex mosquitoes, often referred to as the Common Mosquito, come in a variety of colors, including gray, white, silver, green, or iridescent blue. They have a slender, oval-shaped body and typically measure between ¼ to ⅜ inches in length. Only female Culex mosquitoes feed on blood, primarily at dawn and dusk, while males sustain themselves on plant nectar. After a blood meal, the female lays clusters, or “rafts,” of up to 300 eggs on the surface of stagnant water. These mosquitoes are commonly found near ponds, birdbaths, clogged gutters, and other water sources, making proper water management key to controlling their population.
Ades - Asian Tiger Mosquito
The Aedes, or Asian Tiger Mosquito, is easily identified by its distinctive black and white striped body and legs. Unlike most mosquitoes that are active during dawn and dusk, these mosquitoes bite aggressively throughout the day, making them a frequent nuisance for anyone outdoors. They thrive in warm, humid conditions and lay their eggs in small, stagnant water sources like birdbaths, flowerpots, clogged gutters, and discarded tires. Aedes mosquitoes are also known carriers of serious diseases, including Zika Virus, Yellow Fever Virus, Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya Fever, making their presence a significant health concern. Controlling their population involves reducing standing water and using repellents to prevent bites..