Most stinging insects are more active in the summer and fall
Correct identification of these pests will help in their eradication. Almost half a million people each year are sent to the emergency room with allergies to stinging and biting pests. Most stinging insects are more active in the summer and fall, when they are out looking for food sources to get them through the winter ahead.
Stinging Insects Identification
Bald-Faced Hornet
The Bald-Faced Hornet is actually a wasp and can be easily identified by its black-and-white markings (most stinging insects are black and yellow). The hornets construct an easily identifiable pear-shaped paper nest that can become quite large. While more docile than other yellow jackets, the hornet is extremely protective of its nest and will sting repeatedly if disturbed.
Bumble bee
These large, black, and yellow, furry insects can often be seen bouncing around the yard collecting pollen and nectar. They are not aggressive and will only sting in self-defense. Their stingers are not barbed like a honeybee, giving them the ability to repeatedly sting would-be predators.
Cicada Killer
These wasps can be formidable because of their large size, but rarely sting unless bothered. They nest in the ground, and their burrows can be found in many lawns. The adults feed on nectar, while the larvae feed on cicadas that the adults bring back to the nest.
Honey Bee
The common domesticated honey bee, unlike the feared “killer bee”, is a non-aggressive bee commonly found around Missouri. These black and yellow bees will only sting when threatened, lose their barbed stingers, and die when they do sting. They are beneficial in the pollination of flowers and the production of honey, and are one the few insects that can remain active during the winter. While most adult insects die during the winter, honey bees can metabolize their honey to prevent freezing to death!
Paper Wasp
The Paper Wasp is a slender, narrow-bodied insect with long legs. They are reddish-orange to dark brown or black and have yellow markings on their abdomen. Their paper nest is umbrella-shaped and has hexagonal cells that are left open and visible. Paper Wasp nests can often be found along eaves, window frames, porch ceilings, rafters, etc.
Red Paper Wasp
This species displays the same nesting characteristics as the Paper Wasp. The only difference between the two is the color (Red wasps are red!).
Red Velvet Ant
The Velvet Ant or “cow killer” is not an ant at all, but a wasp. These black insects have red-orange hair on their thorax and abdomen. Females are wingless and pack a painful sting, while males are winged but unable to sting.
Yellow Jacket
These nuisance pests are black and yellow. They build a paper nest that can get as large as a basketball, usually beneath the ground. They can also nest in protected areas, such as trees and shrubs, sheds, porches, attics, wall voids, etc. The yellow jacket can be extremely aggressive and can sting repeatedly without provocation. They can commonly be found scavenging for human food at picnics, cookouts, and around garbage cans or dumpsters.
Mud Dauber
These long, slender wasps are usually black with yellow markings, but some species may also have a metallic blue or black coloring. Their thin, thread-like waist can easily identify them. Mud dauber nests are constructed out of mud and can be found under eaves, porch ceilings, inside garages, sheds, barns, etc. Mud daubers are solitary wasps and do not defend their nest, therefore stings are rare.
Striped Bark Scorpion
Believe it or not, scorpions can be found in Missouri. These fascinating creatures may be a surprising sight for many residents unfamiliar with them. Understanding their behavior and habitat is crucial for homeowners aiming to keep their properties safe and scorpion-free.
The Striped Bark Scorpion is pale yellowish-brown with two dark stripes running lengthwise on its abdomen. It typically inhabits glades and other dry, warm, rocky areas, but can sometimes make its way into buildings, shelters, or under piles of wood, brush, or garbage.
Recognizable by their elongated oval bodies and pincers, these scorpions have a long, curling tail ending with a bulbous stinger. They are further distinguished by a dark triangle on top of the head.
Despite having multiple eyes, scorpions have poor vision. They rely on sensitive hairs on their pincers and comb-like pectines on their undersides to sense motion, ground vibrations, and possibly sound.
Size & Lifespan
Striped Bark Scorpions grow to about 1 to 1.5 inches on average and can live from three to seven years, with some surviving up to 25 years. They molt as they grow, shedding their exoskeleton.
Scorpions are nocturnal hunters who prefer rocky glades, especially in areas with minimal human presence, offering ideal shelter and abundant food. They can sometimes be found in buildings or under debris. In Missouri, they are found in rocky areas and are more common around the Lake of the Ozarks and southern Missouri.
The sting of the Striped Bark Scorpion is painful but rarely life-threatening. It delivers a mild neurotoxin, and while severe allergic reactions are uncommon, medical attention may be necessary for such cases.